Help bring the gospel
to those who don’t have it

Come be a part of his kingdom expansion

Join us! Follow Jesus final direction of “make disciples of all nations.” This is your opportunity to go beyond just your Sunday service and GROW the Kingdom globally. You can invest in burgeoning communities of Jesus followers in every nation, tribe & tongue.

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Leveraging Local Leadership to Sustain Success

With over 7,000 unreached people groups in the world, Partners sees massive OPPORTUNITY to spread God’s Kingdom. Your impact will be felt throughout Asia, Africa and beyond. But these groups need local, authentic connections to be fully realized. Your investment fuels these indigenous leaders’ ability to create authentic connections one soul, one community at a time.

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Partners is proven, trusted

Partners is driven to EXPAND Jesus's kingdom throughout the known and unknown world. These local leaders are doing the dangerous Kingdom building in areas that are not open to Christianity publicly. Your Kingdom Investment combined with their Kingdom Building efforts will be dramatic and fulfilling. Do you want in?

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invest in this Kingdom Building work ...

This is how you can truly GO and MULTIPLY.

What does go & multiply mean?

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Measuring Investment & Spiritual Impact

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Your Role as a Kingdom Investor

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